Creating Functions


Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 20 min
  • How can I define new functions?

  • What’s the difference between defining and calling a function?

  • What happens when I call a function?

  • Define a function that takes parameters.

  • Return a value from a function.

  • Test and debug a function.

  • Explain why we should divide programs into small, single-purpose functions.

As we’ve already said when looking at loops, reusing code is a very important part of good code development and will save you a lot of pain in the long term! We’ve already seen how we can use code that other people have written but what if we want to use our own code again, on a different dataset or at a different point in our program? Cutting and pasting it is going to make our code get very long and very repetitive, very quickly. We’d like a way to package our code so that it is easier to reuse, and Python provides for this by letting us define our own ‘functions’ — a shorthand way of re-executing longer pieces of code. Let’s start by defining a function fahr_to_celsius that converts temperatures from Fahrenheit to Celsius:

def fahr_to_celsius(temp):
    return ((temp - 32) * (5/9))

The Blueprint for a Python Function

The function definition opens with the keyword def followed by the name of the function (fahr_to_celsius) and a parenthesized list of parameter names (temp). The body of the function — the statements that are executed when it runs — is indented below the definition line. The body concludes with a return keyword followed by the return value.

When we call the function, the values we pass to it are assigned to those variables so that we can use them inside the function. Inside the function, we use a return statement to send a result back to whoever asked for it.

Let’s try running our function.


This command should call our function, using “32” as the input and return the function value.

In fact, calling our own function is no different from calling any other function:

print('freezing point of water:', fahr_to_celsius(32), 'C')
print('boiling point of water:', fahr_to_celsius(212), 'C')
freezing point of water: 0.0 C
boiling point of water: 100.0 C

We’ve successfully called the function that we defined, and we have access to the value that we returned.

Composing Functions

Now that we’ve seen how to turn Fahrenheit into Celsius, we can also write the function to turn Celsius into Kelvin:

def celsius_to_kelvin(temp_c):
    return temp_c + 273.15

print('freezing point of water in Kelvin:', celsius_to_kelvin(0.))
freezing point of water in Kelvin: 273.15

What about converting Fahrenheit to Kelvin? We could write out the formula, but we don’t need to. Instead, we can compose the two functions we have already created:

def fahr_to_kelvin(temp_f):
    temp_c = fahr_to_celsius(temp_f)
    temp_k = celsius_to_kelvin(temp_c)
    return temp_k

print('boiling point of water in Kelvin:', fahr_to_kelvin(212.0))
boiling point of water in Kelvin: 373.15

This is our first taste of how larger programs are built: we define basic operations, then combine them in ever-large chunks to get the effect we want. Real-life functions will usually be larger than the ones shown here — typically half a dozen to a few dozen lines — but they shouldn’t ever be much longer than that, or the next person who reads it won’t be able to understand what’s going on.

Defining Defaults

We have seen how to pass arguments to a function. If you don’t pass these arguments, Python will complain:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-11-d31ad434dbd6> in <module>()
----> 1 fahr_to_kelvin()

TypeError: fahr_to_kelvin() missing 1 required positional argument: 'temp_f'

However, there are many times where we may not want to give a particular argument or have the function provide a default value. For example, let’s say we write an expanded print function that will prepend anything that is printed by a label or message if requested. The majority of the time we want it to be a particular label but in some cases the code that calls the function might want or need to change it. To avoid all calls to the function having to remember to include the same label, we can set the default instead:

def label_print( msg, label_str = ">>> " ):
    print(label_str, msg)

When calling this function we can now choose whether to leave out the defaulted argument or change it:

label_print("test2", "$$$ ")
>>> test1
$$$ test2

This is handy: if we usually want a function to work one way, but occasionally need it to do something else, we can allow people to pass a parameter when they need to but provide a default to make the normal case easier. The example below shows how Python matches values to parameters:

def display(a=1, b=2, c=3):
    print('a:', a, 'b:', b, 'c:', c)

print('no parameters:')
print('one parameter:')
print('two parameters:')
display(55, 66)
no parameters:
a: 1 b: 2 c: 3
one parameter:
a: 55 b: 2 c: 3
two parameters:
a: 55 b: 66 c: 3

As this example shows, parameters are matched up from left to right, and any that haven’t been given a value explicitly get their default value. We can override this behavior by naming the value as we pass it in:

print('only setting the value of c')
only setting the value of c
a: 1 b: 2 c: 77

Readable functions

Consider these two functions:

def s(p):
    a = 0
    for v in p:
        a += v
    m = a / len(p)
    d = 0
    for v in p:
        d += (v - m) * (v - m)
    return numpy.sqrt(d / (len(p) - 1))

def std_dev(sample):
    sample_sum = 0
    for value in sample:
        sample_sum += value

    sample_mean = sample_sum / len(sample)

    sum_squared_devs = 0
    for value in sample:
        sum_squared_devs += (value - sample_mean) * (value - sample_mean)

    return numpy.sqrt(sum_squared_devs / (len(sample) - 1))

The functions s and std_dev are computationally equivalent (they both calculate the sample standard deviation), but to a human reader, they look very different. You probably found std_dev much easier to read and understand than s.

As this example illustrates, both documentation and a programmer’s coding style combine to determine how easy it is for others to read and understand the programmer’s code. Choosing meaningful variable names and using blank spaces to break the code into logical “chunks” are helpful techniques for producing readable code. This is useful not only for sharing code with others, but also for the original programmer. If you need to revisit code that you wrote months ago and haven’t thought about since then, you will appreciate the value of readable code!

Combining Strings

“Adding” two strings produces their concatenation: 'a' + 'b' is 'ab'. Write a function called fence that takes two parameters called original and wrapper and returns a new string that has the wrapper character at the beginning and end of the original. A call to your function should look like this:

print(fence('name', '*'))


def fence(original, wrapper):
    return wrapper + original + wrapper

Return versus print

Note that return and print are not interchangeable. print is a Python function that prints data to the screen. It enables us, users, see the data. return statement, on the other hand, makes data visible to the program. Let’s have a look at the following function:

def add(a, b):
    print(a + b)

Question: What will we see if we execute the following commands?

A = add(7, 3)


Python will first execute the function add with a = 7 and b = 3, and, therefore, print 10. However, because function add does not have a line that starts with return (no return “statement”), it will, by default, return nothing which, in Python world, is called None. Therefore, A will be assigned to None and the last line (print(A)) will print None. As a result, we will see:


Selecting Characters From Strings

If the variable s refers to a string, then s[0] is the string’s first character and s[-1] is its last. Write a function called outer that returns a string made up of just the first and last characters of its input. A call to your function should look like this:



def outer(input_string):
    return input_string[0] + input_string[-1]

Variables Inside and Outside Functions

What does the following piece of code display when run — and why?

f = 0
k = 0

def f2k(f):
  k = ((f-32)*(5.0/9.0)) + 273.15
  return k





k is 0 because the k inside the function f2k doesn’t know about the k defined outside the function.

The Old Switcheroo

Consider this code:

a = 3
b = 7

def swap(a, b):
    temp = a
    a = b
    b = temp

swap(a, b)

print(a, b)

Which of the following would be printed if you were to run this code? Why did you pick this answer?

  1. 7 3
  2. 3 7
  3. 3 3
  4. 7 7


3, 7 is correct. Initially a has a value of 3 and b has a value of 7. When the swap function is called, it creates local variables (also called a and b in this case) and trades their values. The function does not return any values and does not alter a or b outside of its local copy. Therefore the original values of a and b remain unchanged.

Key Points

  • Define a function using def function_name(parameter).

  • The body of a function must be indented.

  • Call a function using function_name(value).

  • Variables defined within a function can only be seen and used within the body of the function.

  • If a variable is not defined within the function it is used, Python looks for a definition before the function call

  • Put code whose parameters change frequently in a function, then call it with different parameter values to customize its behavior.